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Cushing's disease is surprisingly common in dogs, affecting one to two pooches per every thousand out there. This condition is caused by a hormonal imbalance. More specifically, it is caused by the adrenal glands producing too much cortisol, namely a condition called "hyperadrenocorticism". If diagnosed promptly and treated properly, almost all dogs with Cushing's disease can go on to live a long, active life. However, the initial symptoms of early Cushing's disease can be vague and non-specific, and it is essential for pet owners to be aware of them so they can bring them to the attention of their veterinarian in a timely fashion. This article will highlight some common and basic information about Cushing’s disease so that you can hopefully help your dog more quickly should they encounter it.
There are three types of Cushing's disease:
Unfortunately, the symptoms of Cushing's disease are rather vague and non-specific. They tend to come on gradually, which makes it difficult for pet owners to realize that something is not right. First, it is important to understand that practically all Cushing's disease cases develop in middle-aged dogs. Second, although dogs of any breed can develop Cushing's syndrome, some breeds or mixes of those breeds are more likely to develop it. They are:
The initial presenting symptoms of Cushing's syndrome are the trio of lethargy, drinking a lot of water, and acting ravenously hungry. If the disease is not promptly treated, the dog may manifest symptoms of a pot-bellied appearance and dry, scraggly fur. Advanced symptoms include panting a lot, skin infections, difficulty in healing minor wounds, and frequent bladder infections. Diagnosis of Cushing's disease requires a full veterinary examination and specialized tests.
Treatment of Cushing's disease depends entirely on its cause:
In summary, pet owners need to be aware of and watchful for signs of Cushing's disease in their middle-aged dogs. If diagnosed promptly and treated, dogs with Cushing's disease can live a long, normal life.
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