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Flying With A Pet is More Common Than You May Realize

Does it break your heart to think of leaving your pet behind while you travel? If so, you will be happy to learn you can take your pet on a plane with you. According to the USDA, you can take a pet on a flight as long as they are fully weaned, healthy, and eight weeks old. They also need to meet the air travel guidelines that are established by each airline.

Flying with a pet is more common than you may realize and there are plenty of travel-related items that help your pet ride in comfort. Common travel items for pets include seat belt harnesses, portable water dispensers, toys, waste bags, and blankets that can be purchased online or at your local pet store.

Which Pets Can Fly

Generally, dogs and cats are the most common animals that travel via a flight with their owners. There are special circumstances such as emotional support and service animals that will allow a different type of pet but this will need to be discussed directly with the airline of your choice.

Typically, animals that are not considered to be for emotional support of the passenger usually travel via cargo. Flying for animals can be a fun or traumatic experience depending on your pet’s specific personality and reaction to new environments. Well-socialized dogs and cats often have the best experience traveling on a plane while animals that are prone to fear and anxiety can have issues that lead to health problems when overly stressed for long periods of time. If you are concerned about your pet traveling on a plane, consult with a licensed veterinarian for further guidance.

Common Airlines Rules and Regulations

There are a variety of guidelines that pets must meet to fly on a plane via cargo or in the cabin.

The following list contains the most common rules and regulations for airlines:

  • The kennel is considered to be your carry-on bag
  • Your pet needs to remain under your seat in their kennel during the duration of the flight
  • The kennel needs to meet airline travel safety rules set by the individual airline
  • Pets need to remain in their kennel and placed in dedicated areas that are animal friendly on the airplane during take-off, landing, turbulence, and during taxi
  • The weight of your pet and the kennel can’t be more than 20 pounds
  • All pets need a health certificate to travel that is issued by a licensed veterinarian at least 10 days prior to your travel date
  • Pets can’t travel on A321, A321neo, A321S, A321H, A320, A319 Airbus
  • Kennels must be made from plastic, metal, or wood, be secured with screws and bolts, large enough for your pet to sit, lie down, turn, stand and relax in a natural position, have a lock to prevent them from escaping during the flight and have plenty of ventilation
  • Pets of the same species that have a combined weight (including kennel) of 20 pounds can ride in the same kennel
  • Federal regulations demand a written certification that you have fed your pet and offered them water at least four hours before the flight with the date, time, and your signature
  • The American Veterinary Medical Association doesn’t recommend giving your pet tranquilizers or sedatives before flying due to altitude pressures that can lead to cardiovascular and respiratory problems during the flight
  • The cost of traveling with a pet varies per airlines but typically begins with a $125 fee for carry-on pets

Keep in mind that your pet needs to be healthy, have a certificate of health, veterinarian approval, and an airline regulated kennel to safely travel with you on a flight. Contact the airline of your choice to ensure your pet meets their specific regulations and rules before booking your flight.


Buy Your Dog A New Home |

Galvanized Outdoor Kennel For Sale-Great Kennels For Outdoor Dogs

Galvanized Outdoor Kennel For Sale-Great Kennels For Outdoor Dogs

Petshop Deals At Chewy |

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Pet Microchip Registry |

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