
The Savannah Cat Is a Huge and Exotic Cat Breed

For those who love cats but enjoy the personality of dogs, the unique breed known as the Savannah cat may be the perfect pet. Bred from a domestic cat and the wild African cat known as the Serval, the Savannah is the largest breed of cat at a weight of up to 25 pounds. These cats are known for their...

The 6 Favorite Cat Toys Your Feline Loves

If there’s one thing that has been proven, it’s that the internet was created so that people could post pictures of their cats for all to enjoy. Alright, that may not be the most accurate statement, but it does seem that way. The best cat videos and pictures tend to be created by cats who are playin...

Siamese Cats

The Siamese is one of the world's most easily recognized breed of cats. With their smooth white coats, dark faces and legs, and bright crystal blue eyes, the Siamese looks like it's all dressed up with plenty of places to go. These cats are friendly, affectionate and extremely vocal. They ar...

Maine Coon

Cats are some of the best loved pets of all time. People have long admired the feline for the animal's grace, intelligence and ability to catch unwanted pests. They've brought the cat inside and created a pet that is half wild and half tame but wholly pleasing to the eye. A cat makes the per...

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