Once the decision has been made to purchase a horse, there are several options available to find one.AuctionsLocal auctions are not a good idea for any beginner owner. Auctions are loud, and they're a new environment for horses. Sometimes, the horses are shocked and freeze up. Sometimes a normal...
There are estimated to be over 50 million horses in the world today. Horses were once a necessary part of mankind's daily life and work. A small percentage of the equine population still functions as working animals, but most horses are now used primarily for recreational purposes. Still, the ye...
When it comes to horses, they're like humans. Some are high strung, while others are content to sit around and eat. There are a few things to consider when purchasing a horse. Purpose The first thing to consider is its intended purpose. Will this be an athlete or a pet? Some breeds are used fo...
The natural diet of a horse is foliage. Grass and hay typically make up the majority of what goes into a horse, be it through grazing in a pasture or hay in a stall. This is usually supplemented by grain and feed. There are several different types available.Horses that are not fed a mostly foliage d...
Once the decision has been made to purchase a horse, there are several options available to find one...
The natural diet of a horse is foliage. Grass and hay typically make up the majority of what goes in...
When it comes to horses, they're like humans. Some are high strung, while others are content to ...
There are estimated to be over 50 million horses in the world today. Horses were once a necessary pa...
Horses can provide some of the most rewarding relationships to children and adults alike. These anim...
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects millions of people globally. When individuals ...
When most people think of jewelry, they tend to focus on rings, earrings or necklaces. While these i...
There are a lot of times while owning a pet that someone may need to look for a new veterinarian. Wh...
There are many people who have come home from a long day of work to find their home has been damaged...
Caring for your new bird always begins with buying the right cage. Since birds fly sideways, not up ...
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There’s a lot of aspects to owning a dog. While ma...
When it comes to horses, they're like humans. ...
Bird owners everywhere will tell you that their pr...
Ringworm is a fungal infection usually found on th...
Anyone who has some space around their home wants ...
For the first time dog owner, taking good care of ...