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The Stigma Surrounding Chlamydia May Prevent People From Getting the Right Treatment

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause various symptoms, such as discharge from the vagina or penis. It is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis, which is believed to be the most common sexually transmitted infection.. The disease is transmitted from an infected person to another person through unprotected sexual intercourse, including oral sex and other sexual practices that involve contact with infected genital secretions. It is treatable with antibiotics, which can take time to be effective and can have some side effects, such as abdominal cramps and painful urination. One of the problems is that people don’t like to talk about chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases. This sort of casual fear about talking about sexually transmitted diseases is something we need to overcome as a society. 

Signs and Symptoms of Chlamydia

There are a number of different signs and symptoms that someone may be dealing with chlamydia. They include: 

  • Pain during urination - pain is joint when there is an infection of the urethra (urine tube), an area of the body that joins the bladder with the outside. Someone might describe there being a burning sensation as they urinate.
  • Menstrual bleeding, or bleeding between periods - symptoms usually affect only one side of the body. In women, it can cause a change in period cramps and spotting, sometimes accompanied by vaginal discharge. In men, it can cause pain or burning as they urinate.
  • Vaginal discharge - to detect chlamydia, doctors will ask people whether they have noticed a change in their vaginal discharge. More of this means there is an infection. The release may be gray, white, or yellow and be thinner or thicker than usual.
  • Pain during sex - Women may experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain in the abdomen - abdominal pain is often a symptom of chlamydia, although this is not usually severe and usually subsides within a few days. It can be accompanied by diarrhea and an upset stomach.

Causes of Chlamydia

Chlamydia can be caused in various forms. Chlamydia causes include but are not limited to: 

  • Unprotected sex - unprotected sex is the most common cause of chlamydia. Having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal sex with an infected person is a risk factor for getting chlamydia.
  • Reusing adult toys - if a chlamydia-infected person uses an adult toy used by someone else, they may be at risk of contracting the infection.
  • Having multiple partners - Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of getting chlamydia, as there are now more opportunities for one person to pass it on to another.
  • Having sex in public - Having sex in public places increases the risk of transmission. Sex without a condom increases this risk and may result in unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment for Chlamydia

An entire course of treatment for chlamydia typically takes between seven days and three weeks to complete. Your doctor will give you a prescription for antibiotics, and it is possible to get a prescription online as long as you can prove that you live in the US. The next step is to take the antibiotics as your doctor or nurse directs. They will usually say which time of day they would like you to take them, but the time usually changes if there are any side effects. There are several different kinds of medication which may be chosen. 


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